Have a project in mind?
Get a Plan. Save time and money.
You and your home can be anywhere.
We can help you virtually!
A Virtual Consultation
is your roadmap to getting clear on what you need to do, and how to do it.
How does a Virtual Consultation work?
Virtual Consultations are about two hours long on the phone, facetime, or zoom. While virtually touring your home, we will assess your homes organization, judgment free I promise, what is working and not working, and your needs.
We will share ideas, solutions, and how-tos that you can use to improve organization, define storage options, beauty, and functionality. We can also talk about color, lighting, accessorizing, improving curb appeal, staging your home for sale, or outfitting a vacation home or midterm rental. and more. Nothing is off the table.
Together we will evaluate the most logical place for you to start, and create a timeline with the steps you need to take. Preplanning always saves you time. You will be focused on what to do, when, and how. Your Home Organizing Planning Workbook keeps the process organized. Preplanning saves you money. You will know what to purchase so you only purchase what you need and what will work.
Additionally you will get-
1. Our Home Organizing Planning Workbook so you can add notes, measurements, specific ideas and suggestions
2. The recording of our call
There is a big difference between DIY “all by yourself” and DIY “with inspiration, direction, how-to’s and a plan” . . .
The investment for a Virtual Consultation is $299.00
The inspiration, direction, and how to’s you get are priceless!
You get a plan so you know how to get the job done.
How amazing is that!
Are you ready to get your project started?
Start with a complimentary Actualization call. We will get clear about your project focus, organizing goals, and how I can best help you.
Book a Virtual Consultaion
Hi I’m Grace.
I love being creative with space, integrating use, efficiency, aesthetics, and storage so that my clients can love and enjoy their homes to the fullest.
I know what to do and I’m passionate about beautifying spaces!
Find out more about me and get lots of inspirational Organizing tips.
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